Pregnancy Acupuncture
Amena Wellness clinic has had much success with acupuncture aiding labour induction. Acupuncture is a component of Chinese medicine that involves inserting fine filiform needles at specific body points to restore balance and in turn treat various health conditions.
Acupuncture is beneficial to pregnant women throughout the 9-months period, from conception to delivery and even postnatal care. If you are past your due date, we can perform low risk acupuncture to encourage labour induction.
Labour Induction with Acupuncture
Medical practitioners may recommend induction in the cases of long overdue, a rupture of the membrane without commencement of labour, infection, and low amniotic fluid, among other conditions.
Acupuncture is used to encourage the start of labour for women naturally. When applied early from 36 weeks before due date, it may significantly reduce the rate of medical induction.
How it Works
Specific points are stimulated thereby encouraging the cervix to ripen and dilate. Initially, the cervix is usually closed in order to hold up the baby inside. Sessions of acupuncture can shorten and thin the cervix allowing the baby’s head to drop in the pelvis. The baby’s head exert pressure which dilates the cervix.
Acupuncture also supports the release of hormone oxytocin which triggers contractions, encourages natural labour, and relaxes the ligaments. The process also relaxes and stimulates the nervous system to reduce anxiety and stress thus preparing the mum for delivery. This is because stress inhibits oxytocin secretion which in turn inhibits contractions.
Additionally, acupuncture may boost energy which is essential for labour and delivery.
Benefits of Pregnancy Acupuncture
Labour inducing drugs can have significant side effects. They can result to intense contractions and speed up the process before the mother is ready.
Pregnancy acupuncture naturally encourages the process which can create a gradual onset of labour. The mother experiences less pain and smooth delivery unlike in medical induction. The process is refreshing and relaxing.
Research has also shown acupuncture can shorten average labour time and reduce the pain of contractions. Amena Wellness Clinic is located close to the Tweed Heads Hospital.
What to Expect During an Acupuncture Session
After a warm welcome, we start the session with an initial consultation to get your health history and pregnancy journey. Our acupuncturist will then perform some examinations.
Certain aspects such as emotional state of the mother, baby’s position, and presentation of the cervix may affect the mother; hence we make sure we take that into consideration. The acupuncturist will then ensure that you are comfortable and your belly is well supported. Our acupuncturist safely inserts fine filiform needles into the skin surface to stimulate different pressure points and nerves.
We use gentle techniques to place the needles so you don’t experience pain except for a mild sensation or tingling feeling at the area of insertion.

How Long Will it take to Induce Labour?
During your 1 hour appointment the acupuncture process takes approximately 40 minutes. However, we usually recommend early labour preparation treatments from 36 weeks for effective results.
If you are looking to encourage natural labour induction we recommend acupuncture to start from week 36 however if you are past that mark it can still have positive effects. Different points that connect directly to the cervix and uterus are used from week 40. Effects can be felt after the first treatment or after several treatments depending on the individual’s response.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is perfectly low risk to the mother or the unborn baby. It’s even suitable for women who had a previous CS section. We are a registered member of AACMA and Australia health practitioner regulatory agency hence you can be sure that we follow all necessary guidelines. The safety and health of you and your baby is our first priority. You are in secure and experienced hands with Doctor Amena.
Health Insurance
For your convenience, we accept hicaps
Choosing the Right Acupuncturist
Acupuncture works holistically, and you can get more health benefits than just getting treatment for a particular condition. Pregnancy is also a delicate state that needs to be handled with utmost expertise. That’s why you need an experienced and qualified professional. Our acupuncturist are experienced and registered to ensure that you get the best service for your health. We always assess all patients thoroughly to get a compassionate understanding of their specific needs and determine the appropriate treatment.